"Shop in Shop" Concept for Flower Sales | ColorWood Latvia
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Modular ”Shop in the shop” concept
for flowers in grocery store

The advantages of this concept

flower display stand colorwood
  1. Modulable to room size.
  2. Improves the in-store ambience and interior.
  3. Reduces the risk of injuries for employees.
  4. Increases sales by 200% (data from experience).
  5. Reduces the time to stock and maintain the stands.
  6. Increases turnover and reduces costs.
  7. A quick return on investment.

Disadvantages of the conventional flower arrangement

How the common solution works
with flowers on pallets:

  • Carrying pallets from the warehouse with pallet trucks – a difficult job in a crowded shop.
  • Product rearrangements and restocking disturb shoppers.
  • Women do heavy lifting and risk back injuries.
  • Two store employees are involved in the process.
  • No structure in the flower arrangement.
  • It is difficult for store staff to create an attractive arrangement.
flower display stand colorwood

Our solution:
Modular display stand for flowers

flower display stand colorwood banner

Evolution after the introduction of the display solution

Modular components are the key to success

Set up a flower stand to suit your needs and possibilities with different combinations.

  • Modular display system – applicable to any size of shop area.
  • Wide possibilities for adding additional elements: lighting, image advertising,
    price holders, boxes.
  • Promotes the sale of flowers in the supermarket – an orderly environment, efficient use of shop space, easy restocking for workers.
  • Easy to replace worn parts.

The system can be adapted to different sizes of sales areas

Choose an experienced
and reliable partner

Navigating the vast landscape of business can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to guide you, leveraging our rich knowledge base and understanding of diverse markets to help you reach your goals.

  • megaphone cwl

    20 years of marketing experience

  • colorwood planet earth

    200+ projects in 20 countries

  • well known brands award

    We are chosen by well-known brands

  • sustainable manufacturer

    Sustainable manufacturer

cwl clients

Equipped more than 1000 stores

The Solution has so far successfully been delivered to over 1,000 grocery stores and garden centres in Norway. The flower sales in many of these stores have been incredible, with more than 200% higher sales!

ColorwoodLatvia office team

Managing director
Head of office
Project assistant
Kristaps Export Developer
Export developer

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products for grocery stores

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